Nissen Chemitec

Automotive plastics manufacturer delivers lean operations with DELMIAWorks

Automotive plastics-specific manufacturing features within a single ERP system with real-time production monitoring helps Nissen Chemitec optimise operations and gain new business.
Nissen Chemitec Case Study Featured image showing male and female coworkers discussing automotive manufacturing operations on factory shop floor

About Nissen Chemitec

DELMIAWorks helps Nissen Chemitec reduce monthly EDI costs by 90%

Nissen Chemitec is a leading automotive plastics manufacturer serving legacy automakers, including Honda Motor Company of America, Toyota Motor Company, and Ford Motors.

Over reliance on manual data entry

The previous systems required repetitive data entry across various modules and functions.

Up to 40 shipping errors per month

EDI transactions were slow as they were transmitted via modem, creating delays in identifying issues.

Limited barcode scanning functionality

The previous package was not automated and had limited barcode scanning capabilities.
"We were working for the system rather than the system working for us. It was cumbersome, required heavy data entry, and though we were striving to be lean, it blocked our efforts because of all the things we had to do to maintain it. We wanted an ERP package that understood our particular business. If a system didn’t understand family molds or multiple cavitations running at the same time, it would have cost us more in terms of efficiency and maintenance, but as a supplier to major automakers, we also had to comply with our automotive customers’ quality standards and business transaction requirements. We literally turned the DELMIAWorks system on and started shipping error-free immediately."
Nissen Chemitec
Delivering efficiency through a single system

DELMIAWorks provides automotive manufacturing-specific functionality

Nissen Chemitech’s previous legacy manufacturing management system was built upon multiple databases that required repetitive data entry across various modules and functions. It was not automated and had limited barcode scanning capabilities; scheduling was done manually using spreadsheets, and production data had to be keyed in separately for reporting.
Multiple car parts suspended on a rack ready for assembly as a result of the efficiency of using a single system
Power over process across the shop floor

DELMIAWorks creates a leaner supply chain

When previously using a modem-based EDI, Nissen Chemitec America paid between £2,850 and £2,500 a month to transmit data and support customer requirements. DELMIAWorks reduced EDI costs by 90%, streamlining their EDI data efficiency and accuracy for a far leaner supply chain. Real-time production monitoring further enhanced operations, allowing Nissen Chemitec to identify and address production issues, track downtime, and monitor data without physical floor checks.
Managing an entire manufacturing operation

A unified solution powering operations

As a single-source system, DELMIAWorks integrates modules like EDI, finite scheduling, purchasing, real-time production monitoring, and quality management into a unified database. This provides Nissen Chemitec America with greater control and visibility over internal and external processes.
Two workers use computer in factory to manage entire manufacturing operation
Delivering quality to automotive customers

DELMIAWorks drives quality assurance & regulatory compliance

As a Tier One automotive supplier, Nissen Chemitec relies on DELMIAWorks to adhere to the automotive compliance requirements, including electronic data interchange (EDI), Labeling, and quality functions. This provides Nissen Chemitec with the perfect combination of manufacturing-specific functionality and automotive industry compliance standards.
"We are now managing a leaner supply chain. That simply isn't possible with an ERP solution made from component parts or one that does not understand the inner workings and external pressures automotive suppliers must manage to remain competitive. Any other system would have presented higher maintenance costs and diminished efficiency. With DELMIAWorks we’ve reduced maintenance costs alone by over 70 percent and achieved lean objectives like reduced cycle time, automated workflow, and the elimination of redundant processes."
Nissen Chemitec

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