
Solving Customer Thermoplastic Manufacturing Challenges

IQMS / DELMIAWORKS customer testimonial: Mal-Bal Inc

Find out how IQMS / DELMIAWORKS’ manufacturing-specific ERP solution has helped Mar-Bal Inc achieve their highest levels of success.

Mal-Bal Inc’s Ohio plant manager, Marvin Benjamin, said about IQMS / DELMIAWORKS:

“We’re making our own compound here, and we use our bill of materials in IQMS to help us make that mix. We have multiple ingredients, they’re very complex, so we’re able to ratio everything out within our system, for our master batch, to develop a large batch of material. Before, it was a very manual process. IQMS has really helped us in our mixing, to be more accurate in our making of our compound”.

Watch the video to see the full story.


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