
How a Global Pandemic Brought Manufacturing Resilience into Focus

Manufacturing Resilience: A view of best-in-class preservation and performance

A connected platform can unify your company & accelerate innovation

Businesses across the world are still navigating the new landscape as we begin to come out of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and manufacturers are no exception.

In fact, manufacturing divisions are one of the top business units to see a massive disruption. Factors like:

  • Transitions to manufacturing PPE
  • Regulations to ensure the safety of factory workers, and
  • Requirements to reduce overall costs

Have all disrupted manufacturers over the past 12-18 months.

Connected platforms are giving the best-in-class manufacturers an edge over the competition, by amplifying the impact of their technological investment to support agility and resistance – whilst employees are empowered to do their jobs remotely.

These best-in-class manufactures are setting the example across the industry. Whether you’re  cutting costs in survival-modea, or scaling up to meet growing demand, improved connectivity is key to manufacturing resilience.

Connected platforms give you the foundation to leverage those best-in-class strategies for preservation and performance.

Success in today’s remote work environment relies on having the communication, visibility, and control to gain insight, react, and plan for any internal or external disruption.

Manufacturing resilience

Download this whitepaper from our partner DELMIAWorks to discover the strategies that can make all the difference in productivity, profitability, flexibility, and overall success – especially during business disruptions.

Download Free ‘How a Global Pandemic Brought Manufacturing Resilience into Focus’

DELMIAWorks manufacturing ERP software

DELMIAWorks ERP software (formerly IQMS) provides mid-market discrete and process manufacturers with an end-to-end ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System and real-time production monitoring solution, to improve the efficiency and productivity of your manufacturing business.

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