
Mobility in the Manufacturing Workplace

Like it or not, the mobile revolution is here to stay.

Our smartphones make us more connected than ever before. We have a state-of-the-art camera, access to pretty much all of human knowledge, and a way to converse with just about anyone, anywhere – all able to fit in a man’s pocket.

But tablets, smartphones aren’t just for connecting with friends, keeping up with the news and watching cat videos.

Handheld mobile devices are an integral part of the modern workplace.

The future is here

Whether provided by the company or the employee, mobile devices are already shaping the way businesses run.

If a person from just 20 or 30 years ago was transported into 2020, they would undoubtedly be astounded by the technological developments we take for granted today.

The rapid advent and adoption of mobile technology in our day-to-day lives, and in the workplace, has made mobility truly viable as a business tool.

And it’s not just enterprise organisations and Fortune 500 companies – even small-to-medium-sized manufacturing plants are taking advantage of technology to enhance mobility throughout the business.

Mobility as a business tool

Mobility is redefining the way businesses are run, providing a competitive advantage whilst creatively cutting costs.

Handheld mobile device technology elevates mobility throughout the modern manufacturing environment.

In order to truly leverage mobile technology though, manufacturers must have the right enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in place.

The right ERP mobile application enables workers to access, create and share business-critical information directly from a smartphone or tablet.

ERP software suites like DELMIAWORKS (formerly IQMS) are equipped with portable technology that allows workers to access the information they need – wherever and whenever they need it.

Mobility in the manufacturing workplace

This whitepaper form our partners DELMIAWORKS explores how manufacturers can use mobile technology for an agile and mobile workforce. The best ERP software mobility solution should enable you to:

  • Improve productivity
  • Fully integrate with your existing ERP software
  • Access information in real-time
  • Improve sales and customer service levels
  • Work flexibly
  • Keep your device and network security in place
  • Easily use the system on a day-to-day basis
  • Stay up to date with current technology

Download Free ‘Mobility in the Manufacturing Workplace’ Whitepaper

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DELMIAWORKS offers an innovative ERP software solution that provides the extensive mobile functionality manufacturers need, plus so much more functionality.

With a mobile application, DELMIAWORKS’ ERP software allows you to track and manage all aspects of your business – from anywhere.

The right ERP tool is a critical and indispensable tool for mobility in the manufacturing workplace.

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