What makes IQMS EnterpriseIQ special?
Looking for a manufacturing ERP system?
Find out what makes IQMS’ EnterpriseIQ (now known as DELMIAWORKS) so special in Tom Grigg’s latest video.
EnterpriseIQ is designed to meet the requirements of your shop floor, particularly for manufacturers who work with the following processes as it supports multiple Bill of Manufacture /Material (BOM) formats:
- Injection moulding or extruding plastics
- Stamping, fabricating and cutting metal
- Assemble manufactured parts
- Manufacture packaging and co-packing.
The key thing is: Any BOM that is created is an up-to-the-moment accurate reflection as to what’s going to take place on the shop floor.
What makes EnterpriseIQ special? In particular for the plastic injection moulding, thermo-moulding, extrusion, plastic processing industries?
Multiple formats for BOMs
To start with, the first thing that makes EnterpriseIQ unique is that there is not one particular format for a bill of manufacture. We utilise the term bill of manufacture because it contains a lot more information than a typical bill of materials.
Out of the box we have around twenty-seven manufacturing types.
Now, these manufacturing types are all specific to different industries, but there might also be particular processes. You might have an organisation with multiple different processes that don’t have a standard way to build a BOM so, for instance, you might have some injection moulding, some assembly, some master batch production and so on.
All of that can be facilitated directly in EnterpriseIQ.
That means that, because we’ve got so many different ways and structures to our BOMs, we can facilitate almost any production process that a business might need to consider.
What I’m going to do is show you how those manufacturing types work.
Different manufacturing types
The manufacturing types directly alter the type of information that we can record on a BOM. For example, this BOM that I have up here is an example of an injection moulded part, where we’ve got one primary material.
Underneath, we can see that we’ve got field entries for runner and sprue information and weights, so that we can consider that as an element of scrap.
We can also allow for a percentage of regrind in our material calculations, and we can define certain back flush parameters around whether we want a back flush material based on total cycles at shot-weight, total cycles at part-weight and so on.
We can facilitate things like a hot runner system, where we’ll only want to consider the material consumption of the actual part themselves.
Up in the top right-hand side, you can see here we can define the type of machine that this BOM can run on.
Underneath we’ve got a cycle time. That cycle time is in seconds. We can see that every 30 seconds, we’re going to be running one cycle of this BOM.
Underneath that, we’ve got setup hours one and setup hours two. Setup hours one is effectively for a complete machine overhaul. Setup hours two would be for something like a colour change.
Underneath here, we’ve got a production summary where you can see the kind of critical information such as cycles per hour, and hours per thousand cycle.
Right here underneath, we’ve got a placeholder for all of the tooling information. So we can actually consider tooling as a constraint against this BOM when we’re doing our production scheduling.
You can see, because we are inputting the specific information that relates to the type of manufacturing that we’re going to do, it will be a more accurate representation of exactly what happens on the shop floor, so that when we’re scheduling the manufacture of a particular item it will be as accurate as it possibly can be.
Going on to item details, now once again specific to injection moulding, you can see here we’ve got a placeholder for cavitation. Not only have we got standard cavitation, but we’ve got actual cavitation as well, so that if anything happens on the shop floor we can change the actual cavitation. That will alter the length of time required to manufacture the required number of parts.
You can also see we’ve got a part weight here which is used in conjunction with the other elements to determine the material requirements for the BOM. What we can also do is associate any packaging, secondary processes that might be required, or any components that might be required for this particular BOM.
I’m going to show you another example of a family-moulded part, so once again: one primary material, we’ve got runner and sprue information, regrind information, tooling. The difference here is that, on the items that we’re manufacturing (item one, item two and item three), we’ve got three different items that have been manufactured per cycle. On item one we’ve got twelve cavities as standard although we’re only running eleven, on item two we’ve got four, and on item three we have two. This means that in each cycle, every 30 seconds, we’re making two of item three, four of item two, and eleven of item one currently.
It just means that when we’re planning, and when we’re trying to get things onto the shop floor on our production schedule, that the representation on there from a digital perspective is as accurate as it can be to reflect what’s actually going to take place on the shop floor.
We’ve also got various other types which might be used, so we’ve got an extrusion BOM, where we’re taking into consideration things like feet per pound and pounds per hour. But, we’ve also got blow moulding, so we can see parison and flash, regrind again and also thermoforming.
We can do calculations the system will automate the calculations when inputting things like: tool width, rail, tool length, clamp. If you’re in the thermoforming industry you’ll be very familiar with those terms. All of those assist with the calculation of your part weight and your skeleton weight, so you can understand what kind of scrap and regrind can be created from each run.
The key thing is: is that any BOM that is created has as much of an accurate reflection as to what’s going to take place on the shop floor as possible.
Just a quick overview of the BOMs, hopefully, that’s been helpful.